The KORALL story

Despite the current appearance, the KORALL solution actually came about by chance.
In 2022, the research team conducted tests on capturing CO2 through high concentration emission gasses.

They left the solution on the bench during a break, only to return and find that it had been inadvertently destroyed.
In that short time, the solution had already absorbed CO2 upon exposure to air.
The researchers then realized that the optimal application for the solution was not only in high CO2 concentrations but that it was most effective at room temperature alone. And thus, the KORALL solution was born.

Over the past years, the team has expanded, and currently, a diverse team actively working on commercializing this DAC technology.

The logo icon of KORALL
A picture of Hugo Boccara

Hugo Boccara,

Hugo was contacted by the research team behind Korall while studying his final year at Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship. Hugo saw the potential of the technology and has then been the driving force around its commercialization. With experience in the energy sector, Hugo excels in building strong business cases for green tech.

Oliver Nelis,

Technology Development
Oliver joined Korall in 2025 and is working to scale up the system. With previous experience in process engineering and scaling up industrial processes, Oliver possess core competence needed for the growth of Korall. He also holds a master’s degree in chemical engineering.
Photo of researcher

Emmanouela Leventaki,

Inventor & Lab Director, PhD-student
Emmanouela Leventaki is a doctoral candidate working on carbon capture and storage (CCS).
Her research centers on the absorption of CO2 in various waste streams and the subsequent formation of carbonates, aiming to identify resource-efficient methods to prevent CO2 release into the environment — crucial for addressing the climate crisis.
A picture of Diana Bernin

Dr. Diana Bernin,

Inventor and Scientific Advisor, Associate Professor
Diana Bernin is an Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology and one of the foremost researchers at the forefront of the transition from a fossil to a bio-based economy.
Photo of researcher

Dr. Francisco Baena Moreno,

Credited Inventor
Inez joined Korall in 2024 and is currently studying industrial engineering at Chalmers. Her work primarily revolves around constructing an attractive business case for captured CO2 while adhering to current regulations and market factors.

Inez Antmar,

Business Development
Francisco is one of the credited inventors of Korall’s base technology. Today, Fran has moved back to Spain and works at the University of Seville.Francisco's research focuses on developing multifaceted platform strategies for CO2 capture and storage based on adjustable carbonate chemistry.

Hugo Boccara

A picture of Hugo Boccara
With a degree from Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship and experience in the energy sector, Hugo excels in building strong business cases for green tech.

Diana Bernin

A picture of Diana Bernin
Inventor and Scientific Advisor,
Associate Professor
Diana Bernin is an Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology and one of the foremost researchers at the forefront of the transition from a fossil to a bio-based economy.

Francisco Baena-Moreno

Photo of researcher
Inventor and Head of Scientific Strategy, Assistant Professor
Francisco's research focuses on developing multifaceted platform strategies for CO2 capture and storage based on adjustable carbonate chemistry. Francisco earned his Ph.D. from the University of Seville, Spain.

Emmanouela Leventaki  

Photo of researcher
Inventor & Lab Director, PhD-student
Emmanouela Leventaki is a doctoral candidate working on carbon capture and storage (CCS). Her research centers on the absorption of CO2 in various waste streams and the subsequent formation of carbonates, aiming to identify resource-efficient methods to prevent CO2 release into the environment — crucial for addressing the climate crisis.

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